KETS opening its first international office in Paris
We are starting 2021 with some exciting news – KETS is opening its first international office in Paris, France! Already with the establishment of the EU Quantum Flagship, the EU was positioning itself as a key player in the emerging quantum technology space. In particular for quantum-safe communications, they were developing the Quantum Communications Infrastructure (QCI) Initiative to build a quantum secure communication shield across the EU that will protect the EU’s economy and society from cyber threats. Now with 19 EU countries signed up, this will be one of the largest quantum-safe networks in the world.
At the forefront of this is France, who today announced a budget of over €1.8B over the next 5 years to support research centres, start-ups, and industrial groups in the development of quantum technologies. And you might not know, but KETS is already involved with the quantum technology scene in Paris. Besides our involvement in the Thales Cyber@StationF programme and our wonderfully supportive investors at Quantonation who are based in Paris, there is the ParisRegionQCI Project. ParisQCI will roll out one of the first national testbeds within the larger QCI project across the Paris region over the next 2 years. Working with Orange, Thales, and a number of other key partners, KETS is very proud to be supplying the quantum encryption systems that will protect this network.
So, we are dusting off our French lessons, salivating at the thought of French pastry, and already in full swing prepping for the project. Between this and success in the recent Canada-UK Quantum Technologies that will see us working with key partners in Canada and helping to develop testbeds in Southern Ontario, it is going to be an exciting year!