KETS’ Quantum-Safe Data Centre Use Case Sprint
KETS is doing something a little different this week…
After now almost 11 weeks (11 weeks?!? where’d the time go?!!!) since we had to vacate our labs and rented spaces in 24 hours and go into lockdown, we’re starting to feel a bit detached as a group. Many KETSers still work together over multiple video-conferences on a daily basis, join each other for impromptu tea and coffee break calls, and we have our weekly all hands virtual meetings every Friday. But we haven’t really worked all together on something in a while, the way we easily did in the office.
Separately, we’ve now heard about some particular problems and pain points in the security of data centres from a number of different companies. And this isn’t even throwing into the mix the upcoming problems due to the advancements of quantum computing.
Finally, more and more we’ve been thinking about building some really great demonstrators of KETS’ technology showing off how it can make information technology more secure. And not just your information technology, but ours as well. Remember we’re in the same boat as everyone else, backing up key data and engineering designs that we want to protect for many years to come.
And that’s how the KETS’ quantum-safe data centre use-case sprint week was born. With some great pre-planning last week from the team to agree our goals and deliverables, ask a bunch of questions, and figure out the mechanics of how we’ll do a sprint, everyone showed up bright and early Monday morning on the vid-call eager to get cracking!
KETS’ crack Operations squad ensured that we were all well setup with key supplies distributed on Sunday evening (in a socially-distance way of course).
We’re not quite sure exactly how far we’ll get during the week, we’ve never done this before. We’ve defined 4 great high-level goals and even if we don’t reach them all, we’ll still have moved on our understanding of a key enterprise problem considerably and our ability to solve it in a quantum-safe way. We’ll also have tested out a different, more focused way of working. I think all of us are curious to see how it turns out and incorporate the best parts of the week into KETS’ DNA going forwards. And we’ll hopefully have the first designs for KETS’ quantum-safe data back-up solution.
More than anything though, it was energising to be sat round a (virtual) table of smiling faces and bright intellects ready to change the world today and tackle a key problem as a team. It’s so easy in the lockdown for everything to get same-y, work to bleed into personal life, and for your world to contract. Today, KETS set out to change our world… in more ways than one.
See you Friday!