Super Seven #2 Robert Denman
In the second of our new Super Seven Series we profile our Software Engineer Mr. Robert Denman. Rob joined the team in 2018 so has been involved in a significant amount of our development to date.
1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I’m 27 from Scotland I’m a Software Engineer i have worked on projects mainly in the medical industry working on research and development projects such as a brain scanner and fluid analysis machines. Ive also worked for a big business firm, not a fan of that line of work. Worked with good people there though.
2. What’s your role in KETS?
I’m a Software Engineer, which basically means where something doesn’t exist I and the other Software Engineer (shout out to Richard Collins the Senior Dev) fill in the blanks and design and develop new algorithms and solutions to tackle to problems that developing KETS devices and systems pose. Its good cause you get exposed to a bit of everything.
3. What’s the most enjoyable part of your job?
The most enjoyable part of this job for me is the challenge and the fact it’s on new technology, it means we have a lot of choice to make the right decisions without being constrained by what came before. I think it’s probably one of the best parts of the team in fact, we all want to the do the best we can. Also the people though, the KETS crowd are good chat.
4. What inspires you?
Huh, eh i like the idea of contributing to society. In my opinion everyone has a role to play and you should do the best you can at that role, whether that be postman or astronaut, cause at the end of the day one cant function without the other.
5. What advice would you give someone wanting to get into your role.
Be open to being wrong, it happens a lot.
Don’t hide information from others, be clear and concise and remember just because you know it doesn’t mean everyone does and that doesn’t mean they should be looked down on.
If something looks stupid it probably is, and it probably has an equally stupid reason it’s done that way – probably money.
6. What do you do when you’re not at work?
I like to read a lot of stuff about subjects I know nothing about. Also got a sudden interest in lock picking.
I like to program at home, but rarely complete projects. Right now I’m looking at game engines and realising theres a lot more to it than programming.
I like to play video games and sit on the couch.
Sometimes I play an instrument but thats lacking in recent years.
Deep fried pizza, just cause i can say it on this.
7. What’s the last book you read?
The Concise British Flora in Colour by William Keble Martin – Interesting book about plants and how to identify them.
To get in touch with Rob drop us an email at